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Numeric functions


Signature: $number(arg)

Casts the arg parameter to a number using the following casting rules

  • Numbers are unchanged
  • Strings that contain a sequence of characters that represent a legal JSON number are converted to that number
  • Hexadecimal numbers start with 0x, Octal numbers with 0o, binary numbers with 0b
  • Boolean true casts to 1, Boolean false casts to 0
  • All other values cause an error to be thrown.

If arg is not specified (i.e. this function is invoked with no arguments), then the context value is used as the value of arg.


  • $number("5") => 5
  • $number("0x12") => 0x18
  • ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5"].$number() => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]


Signature: $abs(number)

Returns the absolute value of the number parameter, i.e. if the number is negative, it returns the positive value.

If number is not specified (i.e. this function is invoked with no arguments), then the context value is used as the value of number.


  • $abs(5) => 5
  • $abs(-5) => 5


Signature: $floor(number)

Returns the value of number rounded down to the nearest integer that is smaller or equal to number.

If number is not specified (i.e. this function is invoked with no arguments), then the context value is used as the value of number.


  • $floor(5) => 5
  • $floor(5.3) => 5
  • $floor(5.8) => 5
  • $floor(-5.3) => -6


Signature: $ceil(number)

Returns the value of number rounded up to the nearest integer that is greater than or equal to number.

If number is not specified (i.e. this function is invoked with no arguments), then the context value is used as the value of number.


  • $ceil(5) => 5
  • $ceil(5.3) => 6
  • $ceil(5.8) => 6
  • $ceil(-5.3) => -5


Signature: $round(number [, precision])

Returns the value of the number parameter rounded to the number of decimal places specified by the optional precision parameter.

The precision parameter (which must be an integer) species the number of decimal places to be present in the rounded number. If precision is not specified then it defaults to the value 0 and the number is rounded to the nearest integer. If precision is negative, then its value specifies which column to round to on the left side of the decimal place

This function uses the Round half to even strategy to decide which way to round numbers that fall exactly between two candidates at the specified precision. This strategy is commonly used in financial calculations and is the default rounding mode in IEEE 754.


  • $round(123.456) => 123
  • $round(123.456, 2) => 123.46
  • $round(123.456, -1) => 120
  • $round(123.456, -2) => 100
  • $round(11.5) => 12
  • $round(12.5) => 12
  • $round(125, -1) => 120


Signature: $power(base, exponent)

Returns the value of base raised to the power of exponent (baseexponent).

If base is not specified (i.e. this function is invoked with one argument), then the context value is used as the value of base.

An error is thrown if the values of base and exponent lead to a value that cannot be represented as a JSON number (e.g. Infinity, complex numbers).


  • $power(2, 8) => 256
  • $power(2, 0.5) => 1.414213562373
  • $power(2, -2) => 0.25


Signature: $sqrt(number)

Returns the square root of the value of the number parameter.

If number is not specified (i.e. this function is invoked with one argument), then the context value is used as the value of number.

An error is thrown if the value of number is negative.


  • $sqrt(4) => 2
  • $sqrt(2) => 1.414213562373


Signature: $random()

Returns a pseudo random number greater than or equal to zero and less than one (0 n < 1)


  • $random() => 0.7973541067127
  • $random() => 0.4029142127028
  • $random() => 0.6558078550072


Signature: $formatNumber(number, picture [, options])

Casts the number to a string and formats it to a decimal representation as specified by the picture string.

The behaviour of this function is consistent with the XPath/XQuery function fn:format-number as defined in the XPath F&O 3.1 specification. The picture string parameter defines how the number is formatted and has the same syntax as fn:format-number.

The optional third argument options is used to override the default locale specific formatting characters such as the decimal separator. If supplied, this argument must be an object containing name/value pairs specified in the decimal format section of the XPath F&O 3.1 specification.


  • $formatNumber(12345.6, '#,###.00') => "12,345.60"
  • $formatNumber(1234.5678, "00.000e0") => "12.346e2"
  • $formatNumber(34.555, "#0.00;(#0.00)") => "34.56"
  • $formatNumber(-34.555, "#0.00;(#0.00)") => "(34.56)"
  • $formatNumber(0.14, "01%") => "14%"
  • $formatNumber(0.14, "###pm", {"per-mille": "pm"}) => "140pm"
  • $formatNumber(1234.5678, "①①.①①①e①", {"zero-digit": "\u245f"}) => "①②.③④⑥e②"


Signature: $formatBase(number [, radix])

Casts the number to a string and formats it to an integer represented in the number base specified by the radix argument. If radix is not specified, then it defaults to base 10. radix can be between 2 and 36, otherwise an error is thrown.


  • $formatBase(100, 2) => "1100100"
  • $formatBase(2555, 16) => "9fb"


Signature: $formatInteger(number, picture)

Casts the number to a string and formats it to an integer representation as specified by the picture string.

The behaviour of this function is consistent with the two-argument version of the XPath/XQuery function fn:format-integer as defined in the XPath F&O 3.1 specification. The picture string parameter defines how the number is formatted and has the same syntax as fn:format-integer.


  • $formatInteger(2789, 'w') => "two thousand, seven hundred and eighty-nine"
  • $formatInteger(1999, 'I') => "MCMXCIX"


Signature: $parseInteger(string, picture)

Parses the contents of the string parameter to an integer (as a JSON number) using the format specified by the picture string. The picture string parameter has the same format as $formatInteger. Although the XPath specification does not have an equivalent function for parsing integers, this capability has been added to JSONata.


  • $parseInteger("twelve thousand, four hundred and seventy-six", 'w') => 12476
  • $parseInteger('12,345,678', '#,##0') => 12345678