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Other Operators

& (Concatenation)

The string concatenation operator is used to join the string values of the operands into a single resultant string. If either or both of the operands are not strings, then they are first cast to string using the rules of the $string function.


"Hello" & "World" => "HelloWorld"

? : (Conditional)

The conditional ternary operator is used to evaluate one of two alternative expressions based on the result of a predicate (test) condition. The operator takes the form:

<test_expr> ? <expr_T> : <expr_F>

The <test_expr> expression is first evaluated. If it evaluates to Boolean true, then the operator returns the result of evaluating the <expr_T> expression. Otherwise it returns the result of evaluating the <expr_F> expression. If <test_expr> evaluates to a non-Boolean value, then the value is first cast to Boolean using the rules of the $boolean function.


Price < 50 ? "Cheap" : "Expensive"

:= (Variable binding)

The variable binding operator is used to bind the value of the RHS to the variable name defined on the LHS. The variable binding is scoped to the current block and any nested blocks. It is an error if the LHS is not a $ followed by a valid variable name.


  • $five := 5
  • $square := function($n) { $n * $n }

~> (Chain)

The function chaining operator is used in the situations where multiple nested functions need to be applied to a value, while making it easy to read. The value on the LHS is evaluated, then passed into the function on the RHS as its first argument. If the function has any other arguments, then these are passed to the function in parenthesis as usual. It is an error if the RHS is not a function, or an expression that evaluates to a function.


$uppercase($substringBefore($substringAfter(Customer.Email, "@"), "."))


$sum(Account.Order.Product.(Price * Quantity))

can be more clearly written:

Customer.Email ~> $substringAfter("@") ~> $substringBefore(".") ~> $uppercase()


Account.Order.Product.(Price * Quantity) ~> $sum()

This operator can also be used in a more abstract form to define new functions based on a combination of existing functions. In this form, there is no value passed in on the LHS of the first function in the chain.

For example, the expression

$uppertrim := $trim ~> $uppercase;
$uppertrim(" Hello World ")


creates a new function $uppertrim that performs $trim followed by $uppercase.